Life's an Adventure


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Losing Hope

         Well this car thing is still a nightmare that seems like it will not end. We finally got the police report and faxed it to the other guys insurance company mind you that we did that on Friday and it is now Tuesday. We called today and they said that they sent it to their head quarters to be validated, and that they only use the police report as a tool. Since when does that not matter, I thought the whole point of having insurance was so they would supposedly have your back so to speak. Well Progressive wants nothing to do with us and that is who we pay each month. Tomorrow is the day of truth, the day they decide if they want to accept the claim or not. I just have a really bad feeling that they aren't going to accept it and decide that they do not want to pay for the car when it was clearly his fault. If they decide that they do not want to pay then once again I am putting my parents through hell because my dad said that he would pay for the car to get fixed and that is over a thousand dollars. 
          I can't stand the Army, supposedly they are a brotherhood who looks out their own. Well you know what I say to brotherhood, bullshit. They said they were involving jag and the high ups but I guarantee if Chase was an officer then this would have been done with three weeks ago. I just feel completely useless and helpless because the only people that are helping is my family and his. 
        We just have been through so much done here and I am not complaining but I just really hope that this works in our favor because we don't have that kind of money to just put into the car. We sold his computer just to have money to come back for the wedding. I know things happen for a reason and you are supposed to have faith which I do but it is very challenging right now. I guess what I am trying to do is expect the worst so if it happens then I won't be caught off guard. Please pray that things work out, I don't know what else to do.


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